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Masterclass Acting & Singing

Get more out of your performance of songs and arias, get inspired again and feel stronger on stage than ever!


NOW for only 400 euros three full days of lessons! 

-Fully tax deductible -

August 17-19 

November 13-16

May 8-10

Every year in Amsterdam on the same dates (mentioned above)

The Masterclass Acting Through Singing is a three-day workshop for professional singers and actors with a focus on the integration of singing and acting.


We work in the group with all participants together, you have a lesson while the other participants watch. You also watch when the others are working. You usually sing 1 or 2 pieces. You will be accompanied on the piano by a pianist. You can contact us ahead of time with any questions or to preview your music if you wish. Please note, this preparation is not included in the cost price of the masterclass and you must therefore pay for it yourself.


During these three days you will be tought by Elisabeth Sevholt and Esther Maas, together with a great pianist (Charlie Bo Meijering, Kees van Zandwijk mostly).


Do you want to know more about the Masterclass Acting & Singing? Watch the reviews or download the pdf for more information about the teachers.


Practical information

  • The Masterclass is given in Amsterdam, or close to Amsterdam

  • We work every day from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Costs: € 600 excl. VAT. or € 400,- with PPO via Werktuig voor Ontwikkeling


To request PPO Werktuig

PPO Werktuig is a fund that reimburses one third of the costs, provided you are a professional actor and/or singer. You can submit an application within 5 minutes, and it will always be honored and paid out quickly. Click here to apply for the PPO directly.


Who preceded you?

Many actors and singers have preceded you.Paul Groot, Michelle van de Ven, Maarten Koningsberger, Wiebe-Pier Cnossen, Belle Zimmerman, Marcella Adema, Ruth Willemse, Julia Autumn, Harry Piekema, Maartje Rammeloo, Erik Slik, Maartje van de Wetering and many others.



Do you want to register or do you have any questions or comments? You can ask us anything!


Fill in the form below, or email Esther Maas at, and we will contact you personally as soon as possible.

Thank you for registering! We will contact you soon.

Laura Bohn, soprano, testimonial
Anne-Marie Jung testimonial
Review Maartje Rammeloo
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